Breathe in the Quiet: Stop the Noise

Chaos! I can’t stand chaos. It makes me irritable especially if it is accompanied by loud overbearing noise. I can block it out for a while but there comes a point when I want to hide, close my eyes and my ears, and breathe in the quiet.

I recall one such time about two or three years ago.  I was gathering with some women in a friends house to learn about an upcoming ministry event. I arrived with fifteen minutes to spare before the commencement of the meeting, some women were already there and soon we were in polite conversation.

As more women trickled in they were each greeted warmly with smiles, hugs and joyous laughter. The level of chatter increased with each new arrival, I didn’t notice it at first, it was just background noise.

Hearing what the ladies next to me were saying was getting difficult.  I was doing my best to hear but honestly I only caught half of what they said. Before long the voices in the room all merged into a blaring din, one loud crescendo of high pitch chaos.

Still, I continued to expose my ears to the noise around me….

…it got too much, I needed to get out of the noise.


Most of the women had gathered in the dinning and kitchen area, hardly anyone was in the living room. I made my way to an empty couch and plonked myself down.  Resting my head against the back of the chair I closed my eyes and my ears and breathed in the quiet.

We live in a noisy world.

Not all the noise we hear is audible yet still we hear it loud and clear and we continue to lend our ear to the internal chatter.

At first it is an illegal whisper among many legitimate thoughts. We brush it off but here it comes again popping up in the most unlikely places.  We lend a ear to listen and it slowly becomes louder.

One illegal thought is soon joined by others and before long our thoughts are constantly attached to its power cord, travelling with us wherever we go…

…and still we listen and converse with the chatter.

“No escape,” they tell us.

But we know different. We have read the book and it tells us we can take every thought captive.

“We demolish arguments and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV  

In Christ we can breathe in the quiet of His peace. We can rest our head against His breast, close our eyes and hear His voice speaking truth to our minds. No more do we have to listen to the lies of our enemy Satan. We can choose who we listen to: Christ or Satan. Truth or Lies. The choice is ours but choose we must.

I choose Christ.

I choose Truth.

Time to make your choice: The truth of Christ or the lies or Satan?

“Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.” Hebrews 3:1 NIV

Until next week


Looking to Jesus. Living in His radiance